Monday, January 9, 2012

Meal Plan Monday: My Meal Plan for the week of 1/9

One of my goals for this new year is to meal plan each week.  I wouldn't say that we eat out alot during the week, but I do feel I spend too much money at the grocery store each week buying food!  I have meal planned in the past and it did work really good for me, but I get lazy and stop and than get into buying/spending too much money at the grocery store.  So hopefully I can stick to this meal planning and save money at the same time.  Here is my menu:

Monday- Sherry Sirloin from Weight Watchers with Rice

Tuesday- Chicken Stir fry

Wednesday- Dance Friends Christmas Party- Pizza

Thursday- Either take out or Grilled cheese sandwiches (Thursdays are hard days because we are at Gymnastics and Dance from 4-6:30.  I take a sandwich or lunchable for Emma to eat in between classes so she already eats and Brian usually takes Caden home and feeds him, but Brian will be gone this Thursday so I may be too tired to cook!)

Friday- Lasagna Toss from Kraft I think

Saturday- Leftovers

Sunday- My parents house.

Another good thing with Meal Planning is hopefully I will get better at cooking Weight Watchers meals.  Both Brian and I want to lose weight and eating better meals will help. 

For my meal planning I found this Meal Planning Form that also has a grocery list on the side!  So as I made my meal plan I wrote the ingredients I knew I needed on the other side and took the whole list with me to the store.  It really was easy, especially since I sat with my cook book and wrote down some of our favorite meals.  I did meal plan about 4-5 weeks out.  It was really easy to do all that at once.

I am hoping that I can keep to this each week!


FL said...

Sounds amazing!!! Post pictures!