Thursday, November 12, 2009

Im Pregnant Again!! (for the 5th time!)

So here I find myself almost in the middle of November pregnant yet again!! Although this time I am 19 weeks and seem to be doing great! I found out I was pregnant for the 5th time (including Emma) in August. I waited until I was about 8 weeks to even call the Dr. because if something would happen again, I didn't want to have to go thru everything again. I went to Vegas with 2 girlfriends and had an awesome weekend, although I was super tired when we got back! So at this point, 9 weeks into the pregnancy the only people that know are Ferris (dang her and just always knowing when i am prego!), Megan and Jenny. I couldn't even bring myself to tell my parents yet.

I finally tell my parents around 12 weeks. As excited as I am to be pregnant again, I just cant seem to get excited you know what I mean. I hate being so afraid that something is going to happen again. At 19 weeks into the pregnancy I don't like to talk about it too much because I'm still so nervous, I'm scared I'm gonna jinx it or something. The only people that know are my best friends, parents, his parents and sister and my brother and his girlfriend. I am sure these people have told people they know but I don't care because I'm not the one really talking about it! No one on my dads side knows yet, but I plan on telling them all at Thanksgiving. I have an ultrasound on the 16th so hopefully everything will be just fine and we will find out what we are having!

I have felt really good this whole time, other than 2-3 weeks of all day/night nauseous that really sucked, and some bad heart burn here and there. My awesome niece Ashley had a baby heartbeat doppler that I have borrowed so its great to be able to hear the babies hear beat when I'm feeling down. I had an u/s at 6 weeks and 11 weeks and everything seemed normal and good those 2 times, so that give me hope that this 19 week u/s will show the baby grown at the right pace and healthy!